Post your open jobs with TECHEXPO
Reach thousands of experienced professionals in technology, engineering, intelligence, cyber security, defense & beyond with TECHEXPO.
*Please note, when you exhibit at one of our TECHEXPO events, your company automatically receives 10 complimentary job postings per event.
Our cost effective pricing is the best in the industry. Each job posting is active for 60 Days !
Job Posting Pricing Options: 1 Job $195 3 Jobs $495 5 Jobs $750 10 Jobs $1,250 (Only $125 per job posting!) Unlimited Job Posting Pricing Options: 12 Month Unlimited Postings $3,495 Click here to view the Unlimited Job Posting Participation Guide Benefits Include: • Save Money. Job postings in the industry cost on average hundreds of dollars each. For one very low price, you will now have the opportunity to feed all of your open jobs from your website to ours. For example, by posting 100 jobs during the year, your net cost is just $34.95 each! • Save Time. Now, there’s no need to manually post jobs on prior to exhibiting at any of our hiring events. If you have active jobs on your site, they will be updated daily on ours. Spend your time interviewing & making hires, not posting jobs! • Advertise Year-Round. Your company’s active job postings will be accessible to our 200,000+ registered professionals on whether or not you are exhibiting at an upcoming TECHEXPO hiring event. • Company Profile. Your Job Postings will auto-link to your profile page on • Real Time. Your job posting feed will update DAILY! For more details on the above opportunities, please call 212.655.4505 ext 225 or email Nancy Mathew, [email protected] or contact your TECHEXPO representative.